A new LAWCHA initiative to develop classroom and public knowledge of labor history. Teaching Labor’s Story will be a repository of primary sources with supporting teaching guides (textual, visual, audio). Resources in the Teaching Labor’s Story repository are designed to be readily incorporated into existing curriculum and thus allow experts and non-experts alike to re-infuse labor’s story into the historical narrative.
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This website includes what appears to be photographs from several labor unions, including the United Autoworkers (UAW), the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). Visit site
The Samuel Gompers Papers collects, annotates, and makes available primary sources of American labor history. Founded by Stuart Kaufman in 1974, the project has published two microfilm series of union records and eleven volumes of Gompers’ papers. The nation’s leading trade unionist in the late…
The wildcat Postal strike that began on March 18, 1970 signaled the end of collective begging and the beginning of collective bargaining that raised hundreds of thousands of postal workers, craft and management, from poverty level wages to middle class wage earners.
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One of the most significant struggles for workers’ rights began on January 12, 1912, in Lawrence, Mass., when thousands of textile workers began a walkout that would come to be known as the Bread and Roses Strike, the Lawrence Textile Strike, and the Singing Strike. Read an overview and find teaching resources below.
The Center for Working-Class Studies (CWCS) at Youngstown State University (YSU) was the first academic program in the U.S. to focus on issues of work and class. CWCS members have been at the forefront of “new working-class studies,” an international movement that brings together academics,…
The site has been designed around the general idea of providing diversified, nonlinear access to digital audio content. Users can choose from a number of different modes of presentation, including audio essays, a timeline, strike map, and a user-friendly, yet very accurate search engine.