Women Have Always Worked, an edX Course Exploration, 81-90
Video Gallery
Women Have Always Worked: Fighting for Equality: 1950–2018.
An exploration from an online edX course.
The following are video previews from the edX course “Women Have Always Worked” presented by Alice Kessler-Harris and Columbia University.
Women Have Always Worked: Fighting for Equality: 1950–2018.
An exploration from an online edX course.
Once called “the strike heard round the world,” the first major labor dispute in the U.S. auto industry ended after General Motors signed a contract with the United Auto Workers Union on February 11, 1937.
We are activist scholars — Jennifer Guglielmo, Michelle Joffroy, Diana Sierra Becerra — collaborating with the domestic workers movement (nannies, house cleaners, and home care workers) to give workers greater access to their own histories and cultures of resistance. These are educational tools for everyone to learn about these foundational histories.
Lowell built on the advances made in the British textile industry, such as the use of the power loom, to industrialize American textile production. He was the first factory owner in the United States to create a textile mill that was vertically integrated.
Just in time for a new academic year, the American Social History Project at the CUNY Graduate Center is releasing a new, expanded, and updated edition of the popular textbook Who Built America? Working People and the Nation’s History. A beta version is now available…
This multimedia website explores the history and consequences of the Seattle General Strike of 1919. Below you will find original research articles, digitized newspaper articles and other important documents, photographs, and extensive bibliographic materials. Visit site
The Westinghouse Works Collection contains 21 actuality films showing various views of Westinghouse companies. Most prominently featured are the Westinghouse Air Brake Company, the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, and the Westinghouse Machine Company. The films were intended to showcase the company’s operations. Exterior and…
Perched atop a mountain ridge at the center of one of the planet’s largest concentrations of disturbed terrain, Eckley Miners’ Village is a world within a world. Visit our authentic 19th-century company mining town, and experience the lives of the working-class families who once fueled America.