Erica Schatzlein, an Oral History
Oral History
When Teachers Mobilize Oral Histories
When Teachers Mobilize Oral Histories
“Wildcat” strikes, like the one that teachers used effectively in West Virginia in February/March of this year, are when union members walk off the job despite the wishes of their leadership. By definition, they are something uncontrollable and spontaneous.
In 1977, a bill to better enforce the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) sailed quickly through the House of Representatives. Facing a Senate filibuster, its proponents weakened the proposal—making it, according to historian Jefferson Cowie, “lean, moderate, and basically unchallenging to the corporate order.”
Women Have Always Worked: Fighting for Equality: 1950–2018.
An exploration from an online edX course.
UTLA believes every child has a right to attend a high-quality Sustainable Community School in their neighborhood.
The repeated argument I hear from people who are opposed to Oklahoma teachers walking out tomorrow is “we knew what we were doing when we signed up for this.” You’re right. We did. We signed up for the hardest job in the world and putting our kids first. Here’s a poem about it.
Women Have Always Worked: Fighting for Equality: 1950–2018.
An exploration from an online edX course.