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View: Like a Family: The Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World

This site was created by Dr. James Leloudis and Dr. Kathryn Walbert as a part of the American Historical Association’s program Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. In building this website, our intent is to make…

Illustration on Solidarity of Labour from Labor History Links
View: Labor History Links

A comprehensive bibliography of information, documents and links of U.S. labor history sites on the internet. It was developed by labor historian Rosemary Feurer for the Labor and Working Class History Association.  Visit site

Logo for Labor Arts
View: Labor Arts

LaborArts presents powerful images to further understanding of the past and present lives of working people. Our events and contests expand on this effort. The site includes curated Exhibits on particular subjects; the Collection, where one can search images from exhibits and other sources; and…

Photo from the Walter P. Reuther Library
View: Image Galleries: The Labor Movement and Organizations

This website includes what appears to be photographs from several labor unions, including the United Autoworkers (UAW), the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).  Visit site

Logo for History Matters, The U.S Survey Course on the Web
View: History Matters

Designed for both high school and college classrooms, History Matters helps students actively interpret evidence about the lives of ordinary Americans. It contains descriptions of and links to more than 1000 websites and first-person primary source documents, guides for analyzing historical evidence, classroom activities, and…

Old photo of African-American family
View: HERB: Social History for Every Classroom

Created by the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, HERB is a database of primary documents, classroom activities, and other teaching materials in U.S. history. Named in honor of ASHP/CML’s co-founder, labor historian Herbert…

Old montage illustration from Freedman and Southern History Project
View: Freedmen and Southern History Project

The Freedmen and Southern Society Project was established in 1976 to capture the essence of that revolution by depicting the drama of emancipation in the words of the participants: liberated slaves and defeated slaveholders, soldiers and civilians, common folk and the elite, Northerners and Southerners.…

Old photo from Chicago's history
View: Encyclopedia of Chicago

This encyclopedia appeared first as a published volume in 2004, but the published and electronic versions evolved together, part of an integrated vision of a new kind of historical encyclopedia. It includes thousands of entries, historical sources, and special features. One special feature, a map…

Iron worker on steel beam
View: Digital Tamiment

The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives at New York University form a unique, internationally-known center for scholarly research on Labor and the Left. The primary focus of our collections is the complex relationship between trade unionism and progressive politics, and how this…

Cornell University Library
View: Digital Commons @ ILR: Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives

The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives was founded in 1949 as the Labor-Management Documentation Center. Its continuing purpose is the preservation of original source materials relevant to the history of American labor unions, management theory as it applies to labor and industrial relations,…

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