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View: National Domestic Workers Alliance – New York

Domestic work is the work that makes all other work possible. Together, we can win the protections and recognition that this vital American workforce needs. Join us today!

View: UTLA Declares Impasse July 2, 2018

The members of United Teachers Los Angeles believe that neighborhood public schools should serve as the essential anchors of our communities. As educators we see first-hand what students need in our classrooms, our school, our clinics, and our neighborhoods, and we deal with the issues that too often prevent those needs from being met.

View: In March of 1970, Postal Workers Suddenly Walked Off the Job. Even President Nixon Was Surprised.

“Wildcat” strikes, like the one that teachers used effectively in West Virginia in February/March of this year, are when union members walk off the job despite the wishes of their leadership. By definition, they are something uncontrollable and spontaneous.

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