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Statewide walkout announced for school teachers, employees on Thursday and Friday


Dale Lee (WVEA); Christine Campbell (AFT-WV); Mary Cathryn Ricker (AFT); Becky Pringle (NEA); Joe White (WV School Service Personnel Association); Greg Baker (WV Trooper Association); Josh Sword (WV AFL-CIO); Ken Hall (WV Teamsters); Levi Allen (UMW); Becky Hiteshew; Rachel Weber


School teachers and service personnel from all 55 counties will participate in West Virginia’s first statewide walkout Thursday and Friday, union leaders announced Saturday.

The announcement came at the end of a rally featuring thousands of teachers and others at the state Capitol, and follows weeks of growing tension between public employees, educators and the state Legislature regarding concerns with pay and health care.

“The entire state of West Virginia will be shut down,” said Dale Lee, president of West Virginia Education Association. “We are standing united — all 55. Will you stand with us?”

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