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Fundraiser pays for hundreds of pizzas to feed WV teachers at Capitol


Leah Hale (AFT-WV); Lita Blanc (United Educators of San Francisco)


A GoFundMe campaign made sure striking teachers and school service personnel rallying at the state Capitol weren’t doing so on empty stomachs.

Husson’s Pizza delivered 700 pizzas total to the Capitol for those striking on Monday and Tuesday, all paid for via a fundraiser started by the head of a San Francisco education union.

“Our goal is to provide pizza for strikers throughout this week and beyond, if necessary,” said a post on the campaign page started by Lita Blanc, president of United Educators of San Francisco.

Blanc referred to the fundraiser as a “pizza solidarity campaign” in posts. It has raised more than $20,000 since it began Sunday. More than 770 people donated to the cause as of Tuesday afternoon, when the strike ended.

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