St. Paul 2020 Strike Photos, Set 2, Erica Schatzlein Collection
Photo Gallery
A gallery of photos to explore.
A gallery of photos to explore.
The Boott Cotton Mills Museum gives a snapshot of what is was like to work in New England cotton mills in the 1800s. The Museum, once Boott Mill #6, was originally owned by Kirk Boott, an industrialist who was responsible for much of the early urban planning that shaped Lowell’s industrial and residential landscape.
This project assembles the most extensive online collection of materials about labor history for this, or any other, region. Here you will find detailed information and primary sources about key historical events, including the Seattle General Strike of 1919, the unemployed movements and labor crusades…
This project explores the history of the IWW in its first three decades, presenting information that has never before been available. We have compiled databases of more than 1,800 strikes, campaigns, arrests, and other incidents involving IWW members and present this information both yearbook format…
This collection presents 470 interview excerpts and 3882 photographs from the Working in Paterson Folklife Project of the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. The four-month study of occupational culture in Paterson, New Jersey, was conducted in 1994. The documentary materials presented in…
The Southern Historical Association was organized on November 2, 1934 with the idea of promoting an “investigative rather than a memorial approach” to southern history. Its objectives are the defense of history education and historical thinking in the South; the promotion of rigorous research in southern history; the collection and preservation of the South’s historical records; and the encouragement of state and local historical societies in the South.
Mother Jones Museum is the website of the Mother Jones Heritage Project, a 501-c-3 non-profit. We are guided by the philosophy & model of Mother Jones, whose base was in Chicago, but who went across the US to organize and fight for justice.
This site was created by Dr. James Leloudis and Dr. Kathryn Walbert as a part of the American Historical Association’s program Teaching and Learning in the Digital Age, funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. In building this website, our intent is to make…
The National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) works for the respect, recognition, and rights for more than 2.2 million nannies, housecleaners, and home care workers who do the essential work of caring for our loved ones and our homes.
The Barre Historical Society is the historical society for the City of Barre, Vermont. It is the owner of two historic buildings, the Socialist Labor Party Hall National Historic Landmark and the Union Cooperative Store bakery building, being restored as the Rise Up Bakery.